any other time MAYBE but im really really curious about this grady g, after reading what i have about him it should be a brilliant night,but he's...
aww thank you babes i knew u was fond of me te he hee!! i spose everyone got there own taste in music style etc, he just not rated highest for me x
whats so special about judge like?i dont rate him very high
looks like detox gonna clash wiv goodgreef again.. has anyone seen the line up, looks pretty good to me! but i still wiv detox thro and thro
has to be liquid child- diving faces, but the album that got me well in to the harder side of things was a free cd from mix mag yrs ago called...
what do you mean gone?? it cant be the last ones :cry: :cry:
im comin!! plus me my partner and if detox sortin a creche i'll bring my son along as certain members kindly suggested!!! :lol: :lol:
cheers willa...
is there a website for grady g?? just so i can do a read up on him as i cant find nowt on the search engines
i reckon it would've been mint at garden of eden, on the massive field in front of the hotel
me thinks that a boucy castle would actually be better for an event in the summer when the days are longer so not much risk of people hurtin em...
naah just have a "not to mashed rule",mind u they wouldn't let me on then lol
that would be mint a boucy castle id definatley be on it all nite te he hee
cheers babe its much appreciated,im quite excited bout this grady g like i love seein new dj's especially ones from abroad most feel fresh and new...
is there any transort bein put on as me or my lad don't drive??
all changed cheers x
nope lol silly me
oh dear darlin this is the wrong place to seek attention... why don't u go cry wolf to ur mummy and daddy or take up self harmin 4 that matter...
where's the line up?? i choecked this thread at 19:40 and u said in ur post at 19:22 that the line would be up in an hour!! its bin much longer...
thank god i fort i was the only one that felt like i kinda felt embaressed gettin on my high horse and when he was only windin me up !!:lol: :lol:...
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