Just who the fuck are you? Andy Rocks, sad name, sad case. Think you're winning popularity points? Think the girls like you? Think...
Hopefully they'll treat his crab lice infestation while he's in there.
That is the most piss poor reply in the history of this forum. And its "You're" not "Your"
I don't know whether I should be sucked into this potential 'polite conversation shocker', there's something un-nerving about it.
I thought you got 'bored' by 99% of Newcastle's gay nazi bikers. You live and learn.
Of what discipline?
Its a bit early for the glue isn't it!
You just get further and further from the mark with every post. And you epitomise said characters I was referring to. I bet you're a student.
People who talk utter shit and make themselves sound infinitely more interesting than they actually are. People who take the bait, full of...
Just thought I'd try a different approach towards cyber gimps. Because there's always one fool or more that think they're being an online hero...
Only when yours needs a visit to the clinic. Her mott looked like two septic cow lungs last week.
I have no idea, but do you really think the opinions of people I hold in the same regard as a piece of shit matter to me. I just think they're...
I said WAS IT BECAUSE YOUR OWN WAS ON THE BLOB. As in it was 'off games week' in you household. There's always yer whippet.
Why, was your own on the blob?
You ringpiece. Cunts like you need a hessian sack/brick/River Tyne interface, then and only then will you contribute anything good for this world,...
Just who the fuck are you? Another one of these internet persona's that think they're cool as fuck online but epitomise geekdom. You really are a...
Go on lad. I love the way you're proud to be a living spunk tray. Just shows you, no matter how low you get, theres always a bright side....
Brilliant, when you do reach 18 you'll be able to buy paracetemol with your booze, by the hundred. See what I'm getting at?
Course I was, you're the best counter staff they've ever had. Well, the ones that were employed under the disability act that is.
Awww, have you found a little friend. How sweet, you can experience your 'awakening' together. Like Brokeback Mountain, but with spidey...
Separate names with a comma.