it was early (for me) tell me what options there should be and ill close this and start a new one.
Dennis is quite lush...although im quite liking Jake Moon at the moment. Stupid name like. Stupid pic aswell but i cant find a better one...
Its miller isnt it? :p Its ok, as long as he loves you more :D :love:
Im just going from the definition of normal, the norm, a pattern, everyone the same. off topic, why did they clone a sheep? you cant tell the...
I think someone likes armin :blush: :secret:
Normality Odd one for the weekend crowd. I was asked yesterday 'Don't you want to be normal?' Been thinking, what exactly is normal...would...
and there was a little squeltchy thud aswell as he hit the floor. come on sound fx can do better than that.
Den's gone He was nasty when he was turning it all around on them...but how crap was that? Last time he was 'killed' by a bunch of daffodils... that not what im doing? love how you lot think im just a psycho and not doing anything about it. think i want to live like...
erm...i thought we had stopped talking about it...seems like ur the one trying to stir shit...i thought we were talking about sumo wrestling and...
damnit! at my house i have an adorable pic jimmy sent me of wee james on the decks :) following in his fathers footsteps :) They are so...
they're all loved up and its dead sweet :love: :love: still want her as a handbag accesorry(sp?) like. Little Mini Jess's you can carry...
nother one of jeff to keep you going :p
im sure ur legs are lovely :) the rest of you is :D how come people dont go fluffy anymore? The last time i went fluffy was the 1st...
you look fluffy! fluffy is good! woo fluff!
bad lee...*smacks bottom*
woo! yay! hooplah! oh. wrong board :(
shes quite bonny with curly hair isnt she? though she does look like georgina rutherford (who none of you know...martin may :p) Is it naturally...
But it can be done?
Separate names with a comma.