yeah go get the tshirt. its cool :)
do the words have to be in that order? or can you have a sentence with it was today or was it today?? cos the same words are in it n it might...
foud the program pretty interestin as ive heard a fair bit bout methamphetamine, but always thought it was a drug rarely used anywhere. didnt...
didnt find that particularly funny, annoying maybe. maybe i just aint as mAd or CrAzY as u lot :rolleyes:
will watch it, but it will prob just be the same misleading over exagerated crap that is usually broadcast/published
i will b there :)
dunno bout that like cheesy gay wannabe hardhouse innit :p
be sum1 else to headfuck n torture though, might mean he didnt just set fire 2 things in dewis room :D
dunno like dave, smarte dribbles n everything :p
yeah we cud do with a statue for bigdaves room now little dave has left. ;)
i want to go cos the lineup looks amazin. jus gotta see if any 1 else is goin n if i can get the time off work :)
i like the fact that little dave is so openly gay. im proud of you my son ;)
a gay lad i know told me there was pictures of me n loadsa other people he recognised on the site so i had a look. basically people from the site...
yeah i got my photo taken by the guy from tidy. was wonderin if he was really from them cos last time i got told my photo was being taken for...
if that is true i would prefer it, pity that tissera wud hav 2 be replacing him tho cos armin was class last time i saw him.
dunno if lab4 would suit promise but i would love to see them there, everytime i hav seen them theyve been absolutely amazin. hav also heard...
Re: Last Friday nights events.........from a greeks perspective haha some1 else in the que asked us who was playin, u wud think people would...
*taps hat* ;) welcome :)
stuck between a rock n a hard place, was goin 2 suggest passes for people that go out in future but that aint an option cos u aint allowed to do...
clarki = legend :) nice 2 meet you
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