FAO those i met @ cream Hi just a msg to say i think all u that i met last night were absolutely brill!! was quite nervous meeting u all..hope i...
is this how u refer are to all over weight ppl?
this can make the shy ppl that post n here, be even more aware of what they are posting.i myself am a bit weary most of the time about putting up...
awww thats so nice...
me-fluffy kitten-natty godscrasher-mark-boney- defo 10:30 if not spotted in Q.. last one in has to buy the drinks..:D
well knowing me i will not remember what u all is wearin and walk straight past u..so if i dont im not being ignorant..its gonna be easy...
yip im going...definatley wanna meet up.dyin to meet u lot...(those that are going) oh yeah after the meet up , if u see me , dont mind the...
Hope u are well and back to urself soon..x p.s i know u dont know me but , doesnt hurt to be nice . Fluff xx
I can only dance one way and i dont think it is appropriate ( soz i cant spell) for the music that promise plays..but i like the music..so im now...
My real name is Natalie but i only ever get called that if im getting wrong.. so natz or natty will do
stop rubbin it in smart E for those who cant come ..*boo hoo*:(
same place as him...
We are both going mental for a night out at promise , but when ever we seem to think we are gonna have the £££ some thing comes up..ive been askin...
its godcrashers 21st on the 29th june...i think we should come and he can celebrate his too..bu he needs some convincing..go on kerry u tell him...
me and godscrasher are going..there are quite a lot of our mates going as well...so if posible can we meet up inside for definate..sort the...
i love me dinners..just dont get em tha oftern..and i never bother to cook em..just end up witha sarnie or a jacket potatoe..lol..
im going to the inlaws for mine..only get a sunday dinner once a month if im lucky..
Sunday dinner Whats the best bit of ur sunday dinner? mine has to be the yorkshire puddings , only if they are home made. soz if this...
not everyone has a home and a family to support on one wage... if me and mark didnt have the above , then we would go to the different...
Re: SO FUCK!!! right not having a go here , but just pisses me off when ppl go on about council estates.so every person that lives on a...
Separate names with a comma.