i aint c'n the flyer so i dont know?
cost? can any 1 tell me wot the cost for entrie 2 the judge jules nite is gunna b?
BiRfDaY HaPpy sUrE mAke HaV gOoD'uN A yOu!!!!!!!!!!:D :D :D :D :p ;)
RADIOORGASAM!!!!!!!! in conjunction with technoorgasam!!!:D :p
oh man, you gotta get in in the name ov technoorgasm!!!!!!! then you could call it radioorgasm!!!!!!!!!!! lol!!!!!!!
doesnt promise hav the first type ov licece? is there no way ( if you had a word wiv rob or mark) that you could tie the station in with promise's...
how about a request type show, wot would hapen is that people would submit a request for a record and the dj (if the record is availible) would...
ideas to make it uniqe........oooooooooo thats a hard one, there aint a lot that aint been done b4 (or is there) i think that the obvious one...
i maen, i aint got a prob wiv the old dot her self!!!!! i just dont agree wot wiv she stands for, she aint no fukkin different than any of us (...
sorry but i totaly disagree wiv u there, the Queen is just a puppet!!!!! she is paid to sit there an look gud for our country, and it pisses me...
my first nite at promise was the first time id been out properly in 6 month:eek: :eek: :eek: , did me the world of gud!!!!! every time i go out...
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA YOU SHOT MAGGOT!!!!!!! u didnt even realise it wos him, wot planet wos u on!!!!!!!! hahahahahahahaha:rolleyes: ;)
i cant post a pic ov me up, cuz the only one that i got avilible to me on the site i get told of fo puttin up but kezz an helz, but i just thought...
hiya sweety, like kezz i dont realy need to introduce my self but i will tell u one fing, cant w8 to meet u, we've had many a gud chat on msn an...
after readin ALL that we still aint been given no clue as to who the 'creme da la creme' is!!!!!!!! so come on master 'iv got the best opinion...
bedford might look nice............just w8 till u meet bedfrd people, bedford is sort ov in east anglia, trust me east anglia is a shit...
wots the nam ov the company that ur workin for? i hav a friend that does/did the same fing that ur now going to do. tis a very gud job !!!!!!...
mabeys........(h8 to admit this)but i got kezz an Co. on my side!!!!!!! d'u wanna argue wiv them, no me neither!!!!!!
'I' neva put that pic up, an 'I' neva started this thread, an also 'I' had nuffin to do wiv ANY of this................so could we please stop the...
Separate names with a comma.