Passion What its web address?
I am a Trainee Quantity Surveyor. Hardly what i would call making a living, more like making half a living!
The worst injury i got was when i broke my arm jumping off a fence when i was playing Armies. Worst accidents were when i rote my first car off...
Originaly Selby but moved just outside Yarm when i was 3.
The Aqua album (Barbie Girl people) it was totaly lame. Ibought it in Pakistan it only cost about 90p and i anly got it cos the covers and CD...
I signed up for some shop thing once and accidently got my address spelt slightly wrong. Within that year at least 6 totaly different companies...
Eddie has always been awesome when i have seen him at tall trees, its worth a look in if you have the funds.
I was never saying i didn't like the look. i was just giving constructive critisism!!!!!!!
I would wish i wasn't so lazy if it didn't take so much effort
People always form opinoins from little snipets of infomation. Every one didn't meet Princes Di but her cloths were always comented on. I don't...
Sorry if i have repeated what has already been said but i have helped flyer promise outside the Empire before. I think it was promise...
I still sthink the cravat was to big. Its just my opinion and i don't think it will look a huge amount smaller when i see it in real life(i could...
Whoah slow down. I said i was commewnting on what i had seen. Should i not do that in future?????
That is a bit of an understatement. Or was that afterwoulds????
I am just saying on the 2 pics i have seen. but i am always willing to change my mind when i have seen something first hand. I didn't say i had...
I seen it done before @ Crasher last year when i went to see Piccotto and i saw quite a few people doing it in Space in Ibiza as well (NO JACKETS...
not sure if i know what its like so won't comment yet
To be honest it does sound a bit/lot kiss arsey
Isnt immatation the greatest form of flattery??????? You must really love him to take his name:love:
Separate names with a comma.