its just a name ? thats like changing 'Newcastle' to 'Sunderland'
i buy records - shame on the lot of you - support a die'n breed of format
u missed RPM of that title dude - seroiusly , he should write a book , a pop up book maybe
if we dont die of nuclear meltdown we will most certianly end up without the juice of life and become like 'madmax' ---
class.... we had a letter at garage once , it said summit like 'im looking for work , i will rub cars , clean toilets , sweep floors etc' was...
human population is a massive problem -- im not having any kids - i should get money not to have them unlike these cunts who expect money when...
well , best keep all 4 of mine , and maybe buy more for spares :(
theres that lamp shade
well , i must say - a total fuck up and not a rodal in sight
looking thru all pics , i must say , theres sum quality gurns and 'moonchin' crack like personaly id put the messy punters on par with that of...
the one of me says 'on 1'
eh , if he's 22 im santa claus - im 30 and cant even grow a raggy tash man anyways - if somebodys playing live without laptops im in more than...
sounds like rodals ideal match
have u ever seen the video for that track , gay as fuck
similar to mine n my lasses dragons den idea - MAGNATIZE - magnetic boots and a huge magnet floor which is padded , u float about off the floor -...
i have a plan but cant put into place until after my wedding so end may 2012 :)
only trying to recreate my profile picture
is that me or rodal ? haha had interent police onto me again using BLOCK CAPITALS as a way of radgin up the sentances and also using unessecary...
no , i am a mere peashant si'er
also i would like to say - james smith sporting the harshest fucked up monged eyes and face ive ever seen - some cray shit he had , chuntering on...
Separate names with a comma.