so people who do pills r??
proberly took 2 many narcs!
bit of a rip off for both days i fink, last year i spent all nite in the polys tent which was shite, im glad my hardhouse days r gone
u just doin the 1 or both days?
Anyone Doin Global Gathering?? Think i might ave 2 venture 2 it!
and.... Sj the only board i bombard is the tidy board and i dont see anyone moaning on that!
soz people, i put it in the wrong forum, by accident, thats y i moved it to the other forum, and as for the shit that has happened, i avent a clue...
yeah but if u havent listened 2 it, u cant really say if its shite or good!
yeah m8! but theres no need 2 the slag the tracklisting if u avent heard it! if u promoted a mix on ere i give u some postive feedbak, not put a...
its a shame that u cant please everyone, can ya!
cheers people lol! glad u liked it! :D :D :D
cheers m8!!
Robbie Van Doe - Atomic Generation download! copy and paste into address bar or just click it...
Robbie Van Doe - Atomic Generation download! just copy and paste into ur address bar...
Live Trance Mix Inside! get tuned cheers
anyone in tune?? lol
Live Trance Set Now!!! just aving a mix, feel free 2 tune in! or copy and paste...
from one newbie to another!! welcome 2 the board!
ill fill that in lol!
Separate names with a comma.