fri- not sure, probably chill and have an early night sat- work then a girly night in with the lasses sun- nothing planned yet :( if the...
Re: Re: Re: Miller cancells Digitized? because that's what proudy had wrote on the first page. but he's edited his post again
Re: Miller cancells Digitized? :confused:
it's too expensive to get them done at the kodak machines all the time and half the time the quality of them is crap. i just fancied a decent...
photo printers anybody know much about these? i really fancy one so i can print photos off my sony erricson k800i. can anyone reccomend any...
you can get them nike plus shoes cheap in tk maxx :up: if that's what you were after
nike plus. they're the ones in connection with the ipod aren't they?
yes i figured that out, but what the hells that got to do with wedding songs? :lol: :confused:
a bit of james blunt wouldn't go wrong
seems like a promoter if you look at previous posts?
he's the other half of untamed society, maitlands friend. whether all this gossip is about him i dont know tho. this board loves a good gossip...
:eek: :sick: why on earth is that man filming peole dying, and body parts lying all over? :confused:
nope, i dont do one-night stands. as for snogging mingers, cant really think of any, maybe when i was 15 :lol:
france benidorm x2 zante magaluf marmaris estartit salou northern ireland x3 (if there counts :lol: ) all family holidays, except for France
some of these stories :lol: as for pulling a porker, can't say i have :angel2:
my k800i does the same thing :evil: its ok if you delete your call log every so often tho :up: bit of a faff tho. you get missed calls without...
weekend how was everyones weekend then? anyone do anything exciting? pretty chilled one for me :love:
i first watched this years ago and i was like what the fuck :confused: watched it again awhile back and it's mint :up: really fucked up
looking forward to seeing this :) was supposed to go last night but didnt. worth a watch then?
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