first 1 was good
gonner wacth it l8r on,last weeks was ok like
cant wait 4 it my self
i usually just read the posts hardly post out meself but bored has gone a bit tits up:mad:
just seen this canny funny but fucking hells these guys r sick!!
just pissed my pants:D looks well good
seen this some very funny parts in it
downloading ep 6 now :)
might go 2 this not quite sure but:confused:
got epp 5 2 watch got it last night
yip its mentel
gonner tryand go me self looks canny
thought it was canny but eddie was a let down :( JFK and SVD played wicked sets so did kutski
cant wait meself got the tunes on here COMEON!!!!!!!!!!!
same here atmosphere has always been great
any1 know the set times yet?
FFS why people whine about this dont like dont come enuff said
all look proper fucked :D
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