stella???? :p ;) :love:
ha ha ha WELLIES!!! rememba wellies ben! u and them hav a bit ov a histori dont ya??? eee that tickled me! so now i know why u wear wellies...
R.I.P all those who were killed in the attack. Just look forward 2 a day in the future wen thingz like this wot happen!
well harsh! put ya hand bag away now!!!! :rolleyes:
me 2, the lassi know is called coroline gatis, ded canny!!!!! shame bout were she works like, but suppose u hav 2 forgive these people! :rolleyes: :p
the way i see it is this..... u and me both go 4 the same job, both hav same amout ov experience in this field, we r same age, and hav both...
erghhhhhhhh that just shows how rubish u r! not even toilet trained! :rolleyes:
ha ha and yet people r still sayin hi??? ok ok so im not as clever as u cogan... :cry: please 4give me!!! i will try 2 be betta in future i...
ok then... if u buy me presents.... ;) :p
hmmmmm does this person actually exsist, am i the only 1 2 notice that it sez take them in!?! all been had? opppps hav i just spoilt it????...
i neva do the chasin, u shud know that!!! :rolleyes: :p anyways, ner i will be fine, had 60% attendace and still passed b4 so shud be ok... i...
for tino's eyes only! ;) :p if ya gud that is!
u think thats sweet???? i start in january!!! ha ha ha! :lol: :p and i get a 3 month holiday b4!!!!! cum onnnnnn
ya just jelouse!!! :p :p :p and without u mate.... just think u cud hav been cumin wit us! ah well neva mind, tragedy indeed! ;) :p :p...
shut up lankey boy! :evil: sticks and stones..... :p only tme will tell and u wll be eatin ya words mr railton!!!!!
Separate names with a comma.