happy birthday :)
i went down on the megabus once, only cost me £3 :o :lol: ileft at 9 and arrived at 3 which wasnt too bad to be fair. it doesnt stop off...
Re: Gner i get these quite abit, the sooner you book it the better though. about 4weeks in advance. it only cost me £8 from newcastle to...
i shall be at goodgreef for fireitup, and im working the beginning of the night :D
i've stuck to all of mine :) mostly impressed that im still at the gym though :D feel loads better once i've been
Re: Re: Re: Re: newcastle united :( nevermind. thanks everyone :)
its not me, its for jay. he's never home when theres a match on, so was guna have a look along to the training ground
i had valentines last week :love: no secret admirers though :lol: does anyone still do that? send secret cards? apart from kids? my little...
:lol: who said i was in debt? ;)
Re: Re: newcastle united i have. and apparently you cant view them now :( surely theres gota be some way though :confused:
newcastle united does anyone know where they train now? and wether the public can view them? thanks :)
theres some weirdos up here like. suppose you get them where ever you go to be fair though
this happens to me all the time. especially in consett, as everyone knows everyone. couldnt even think about dating anyone in consett as everyones...
what the fuck?? :lol: i take it he's single and bitter :lol:
it was class! that cow on the top of the roof :lol:
:eek: i just typed in my name, and a picture of me actually come up :eek: on a website i didnt even know existed :confused: :lol:
happy birthday sweetie :)
my mams got the shingles :eek: :cry: needless to say, im keeping well away from her
it hasnt stopped snowing here for awhile now :( i hate the snow aswell :cry:
theres quite abit of it in topshop at the moment. i saw some decent stuff in the newcastle one last week :up:
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