hav u jus left school???!! :o or jus goin back??
i mite hav 2 get a new style now, since i hav a crap fringe! :lol: :lol: ;)
and i jus found a purse in the toilets. and i handed it in!! :o im 2 nice! :angel3:
2touch at doxy park. its a call center.
u know y. so y u askin?? can u not jus frickin leave it man. i cnt b arsed 2day. its friday nite n im at wrk. ;)
im not peter. i dnt bite that often. the only reason i was yesturday, was coz sash sed she wantd an arguement. it was all 4 fun! :D
:evil: :D
peter man its all fun n games. sssssshhhhh
well soz sash. didnt mean 2 cum across that way. ill b nice frm now on.......................... pwwwomise :angel3:
sahsa man, i havnt even sed 1 frickin word 2 u. u delusional??? :rolleyes:
haha, punch who???? n im sure spence is class, but i dnt know him. loners??? haha. we didnt cum on the board 2 make friends, we came on, coz...
if hes a legand, then that word means nowt. :D
hehe, ther u go. changed it ;)
right to left- me, mick, suzie and ?? [IMG]
this tread has gone from asylum seekers 2 fightin, 2 tony blair. n now 2 porn :spangled:
i dnt hav a clue about politics, i jus get on wiv my own life. i didnt even know wot lefties n all that meant, 5 mins ago. :dunce: :lol:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: FAO OASIS & HARPER :lol: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Re: Re: Re: FAO OASIS & HARPER :lame:
Separate names with a comma.