I was gonna put inspector gadget but i wouldnt put it up with the classics IMO brilliant get outta a arqument that one IMO hehe captain caveman
Spose it counts yeah it was the clay and plastecine stuff Muppet babies another classic what else we missing ???????????????????????/
The old classic TRAP DOOR
And there your top 5 cookee ????? pmsl :o :lol: :lol: :lol:
OMG there all comin out now pmsl
Pmsl at someone buying the link mad or what and £120 quid for 40 sim cards that ya can get for nout anyhow strange world we live in think mine...
Vodafone VM How bloody crap are Vodafone make ya pay to listen to ya messages was listening to one about a job and bloke rattled of the number...
ive got shite loads aswel cant give the fuckers away whos gonna buy them tho there free anyhow
good question wouldnt mind knowing that answer i have a few spare unopened sims if ya want one if it doesnt
IMO i think that the person who posted that vile disgusting pic is seriously disturbed
Just done a search on them jesus yeap seen that cartoon a few times thats a blast from the past ya must be same age as me 18 lol to remeber all...
i do actually remeber the sentinels but only just remeber the name cant think what it was about remind me
He has hasnt he nice lil 2 bed semi
is it sad that i remeber every one of these cartoons or does it mean im just gettin old sure theres probably other cartoons not mentioned that i...
Jesus christ citys of gold forgot about that and futurama also an exerllent choice can we just have a top 10 with all of them being joint first...
i would have to say all of them in that order mask doesnt count so transformers takes the number 5 slot
I enjoyed working at NR have ya seen how many women work there lmao was even better untill the got rid of dress down friday twats hope they give...
Did any one watch it then i was gonna just cos im sceptical about it if ya saw it what did yas think ????
That pic is totally Fucking disgusting good job Im not squeemish being a dad i find it totally disturbing and i wouldnt expect to see some thing...
I gave up after page 11 nothin for me
Separate names with a comma.