but we've got written evidence proving that you told him to watch his back therefore automatically linking you to the crime. then they can check...
he said it prove a point you retard! he didnt mean it literally. why can you not fucking understand this!!!!
he said it tho to prove that you do not beleive everything you hear. i mean theres no way realistically that we think for one minute that iany-e...
yeah defo. well done johnny :D
that sounds like quite a serious threat mate. and its written on a message board. silly
not really. everyone is entitled to thier own opinion :rolleyes:
that sounds good. forward it :D
:lol: :lol: :lol:
theres only one person talking of beatings. i wonder why?
happy birthday babe :D had a wicked night on saturday hope you did too :D
this makes no sense
you called me a pervert lover does this not count?
i pity you mate. i really do
:lol: what the fuck? violence......the last resort :lol:
can you beat them cos that would be cool :D
we are not saying hes innocent or guilty. we're saying that you only form your opinion from what you read in the papers hear on the news hear from...
she brought home £36.20p i said which tight bugger gave you 20p? she said all of them :rolleyes:
so you know MJ well then to form an opinion of him?
:lol: @this thread
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