I was only a wee bairn then!! As far as Im concerned, I thought of it for ME and never took the idea from anywhere else. I went out of my way to...
Its a nice thought to put a vote like this up, but you didn't give maxers a very sporting chance did you?!?! It's kinda like pitting a Jack...
Thank the Lord me ma was there to wake me up for my set.
So would now be a bad time to ask if Sasha's on his way?? :D IMO Promise supplies all kinds, although most of the trance is often more hard...
I think it's beautiful that muzik can bring people together in love like this. Or are you all just looking for sex?
Cogan admit it you're full of shite! :D :dunce: Why are our brains all mangled, I cant remember nowt, not even to shut the garden gate. Poor dogs.
Ha ha fairy muff.
Re: Whats happened tp Promise please Promoters?? What exactly are you studying at Uni?? Hope it's not English as my mind is in bits after...
If 30k's a true figure I'd like to see some of it apportioned to a stage bein fitted for dancin on cos every1 gets asked to get down from the two...
Smooth operator...
Re: More controversy.... Erm... I'll er... help. Erm... ... ......
Speaking of pictures, does anyone know where I can get pics of the last trance classics night?
Surely you'd know which one was the chinese guy and which one wasn't?? :D Damocles where'd u hear child of the universe?
Why aye it's from about 1996 and it's called "Child of the Universe by DJ Taucher! I have it on vinyl but unfortunately it doesn't have the...
But a tin foil banana would nack if you have fillings. Your signature reminds me of the Taucher night at Promise, am I REALLY the only one who...
Dunno but its a cool name is it not?
Sweet as me nuts.
Damocles old boy! How are you? Meant to say, "who was that prick in the brown jumper last Fri?"
V. good, Im changin it anyway cos I dont like the white suit... Sometimes I just get so insecure and worry what other people think of me.
As in ha ha ha its v. good or ha ha ha I'm a knob?
Separate names with a comma.