Bit of cross dressin eh;) ;) U nd bri shud get 2gether:lol: :lol:
My mums got style il have u know!!! She wudnt be wearin ur scaffy troosers. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
John where u get ures? Had mine since day1 nd its time for a change.
U b wearin them on fri?
Live in newcastle for rest of ur life? U aint movin bak south cos ur gona go live in indea or summit:p
*spews* Room for 2 please Cant believe im hearing this m8. Just wait till uv been there... mmmmm say 2 months nd ul b screaming to...
Re: NTL (or NT Hell... u decide...) :o :o I was lookin into getin that the other day. Maybe not ne more.
Maybe it aint ur taste? IMO i think he's class. Saw him in edinburgh nd the atmosphere was amazing. Ok he looks nd speaks bit weird but hey no...
Dont know if will go this year. Not a huge fan of festivals, even though its 2 days after my bday. It will never compare to last years. so...
Ma dad And ex g/f's 4 makin me stronger:)
Me nd the traffic wardens:love:
My friends av got me a ticket. Even if its parp, think of all the desperate women:D
cos it u and we dont like u.
Fukin hell i wish i cud delete this now!! If u guys want to flirt arond nd lick eachothers asses then fuk off and do it on msn! oo ur soo...
Re: did ne one go to GC London?? Was bloody heaving. Amazing nite though. s'prise u remeber anytin ken:rolleyes: :p
U got it it one. So feck off Im a misery guts. woohoo. :p ;)
FFs theres no fuckin teachin sum people:rolleyes:
nd afta we stud in the crasher Q. Nd aftta we got to the morning breakfast place:)
Oh well guess im gona have major delays 2morow goin 2 london:( :( Aint snowin here but tis bloody cold!!!
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