yes me too,my postman also has a habit of settin fire too my letters
a an't had a look but its probly just a few bog roll tubes glued together sprayed silver n up 4 sale 4 10grand.......
its only real irish coffo if the handles on the inside of the cup
more 4 sale at
art is a load of bollocks..............
i got stuck in a traffic jam this naa na na naa na!
she means big boar exsaut on my car,doh!
woolworths do a 2-4-1 specail i think....
why do cats hav flat bums? cos there always getting kicked:lol:
Money? any1 wont to buy £20 notes 4 a £10a? al print the other side aswell 4 a extra £10a?:spangled:
piss off,u feel asleep2 u litewate..........
not much.................random bollocks amogst the mesage board comunity
F.a.o nobody who gives 2 monkeys fu@k..... :monkey: :monkey: :monkey: :monkey: :monkey: :monkey: :monkey: :monkey: :monkey: :monkey:
should b shot with shit...ha ha,i said it again... drop the bomb? drop u off the tyne bridge mate:D
up yours galaxy fm ive just showen the 2fingers to my job at galaxy radio,the most shittist,cheesyest radio station full of stuck up wankers and...
nerny ner nerny nerner!
has it worked?
ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ? HARD:o
sak cra' blur...................hoi he hoi he hoi............................... ze chest nuts r roastin on ze fire................................
i dont have a budgie?
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