Hows the remix coming along fella??
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
love it, propa sucks you in and makes you feel like your off your nut even if you straight:up:
youve gotta instruct the fella to do somthing like "open door" or whatever...
im also totally disgusted at the picture but dosnt it demonstrate how formed the baby is before it is aborted?? abortion that late should be banned
ha mint:lol:
thats making me want to throw me computer out of my window:lol:
:lol: :groovy:
how much are your technics x2 going 4? pm me fella
"im a trained actor reduced to the status of a bum..."- Withnail and I
Re: The snow!! I crashed three times over the weekend, done about £500 worth of damage :lol:
Don't forget.... Don't forget to put up my January mix Bri, I gave you it bout 4 weeks ago yer mackem! ;) Pete Robinson:)
:lol: :lol:
ha ha class:lol:
go to usercp> then edit options> then go to the avatar bit at the bottom of the page and you should be able to choose the picture you want under...
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