we tuk cigars 2 promise once. mick was always goin on bout how he takes mad stuff clubin wiv him n he sed he was gonna get sum cigars. but i found...
i am :o :D ill not b suprised if most of the ppl on here actually thort u wer gay! if i didnt know ya i wud :lol:
ireland got it dun, it probs will happen sooner or later :(
who cares!! sum ppl sum smoke, sum dnt. sum ppl dnt like it wen ppl do it, sum ppl dnt like it wen ppl complain about it. its not illegal (well if...
i think sum lads luk nice wiv em on, but sum can jus luk like propa bird watchin type ppl. if u hav nice feet (if that is possible) then i suppose...
:cool2: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: nice 1!
i think he was being sarcastic wen he sed bout ppl drivin cars n stuff :D :spangled:
i hardley eva get hangovers, jus always feel thirsty. cumdowns jus make me feel so tired n drained of energy. :D
???:confused: :spangled: ????
very true I dunno how you can say that!! After how worked up you got when ppl started 'ganging up' on you last week! Its not as easy to...
i hate wen ppl r 2 serious about stupid little things! and this man at work,pete! who i really really hate!! but who im gonna hav 2 invite 2 my...
loadsa other things, yeah i hate ppl that love themselves [/B] u then hehe:lol: :lol: :D :love: luv ya really
wot i meant was i didnt care wot ppl sed on here. if it was one of my m8s who had sed sumthin 2 me, then i wud b bothered. but ppl on a msg board...
yea one of those :lol: :D
i didnt say u wer spoilt!! i sed u had 2 hav things ya own way! :D
?? :confused: :spangled:
i am really really spoilt!! until about a year ago, i used 2 act like a propa spoilt little brat! Always had 2 hav me own way!! now i dnt tho, i...
i dont really dislike any1. altho ther is alot of ppl who take this board far 2 seriously. :D . but tis jus a msg board so i dnt really care enuff...
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