Stileto Ibiza Xmas Special @ Enigma After the suscess of the Launch Party we are happy to announce that on Saturday 6th December we will be...
I dont find Ross Noble funny at all to be honest and Brands even worse he was just total cringe on the MTV Awards. Clarkson = Legend:king:
The worse fucking night ever full of complete wankers it was shootin with the largest pilr of shit one can come across and the wankers are about...
I dont know what the fuck your on about kidda you just keep taking them special pills ya mam puts in ya tea :D
So then why post you fucking bell end:dunce:
Game for a slice of this Mr leopard niiiiiiiish one
Friday - DJ Reform Place Durham Saturday - Match all day bender end up in the ballrooms probs Sunday - Dvd & Bed Covers On The Soffa telling...
My mate took his to Maughans in the metro cost him about £25ish
Accelerometer for Nokia N95 Has anyone unlocked this feature on there phone i might be well behind the times but fucking hell it's cool as...
Most defo will make it down was nice to see you last sat linds & richie........"Original gangster dread lock rasta" :lol:
:lol: Thats actualy really good
I'd bone her like :lol:
41% not to bad u suppose :lol:
Dr Mr Kuhnt If you were to fill a bath half full of cold water & half full of hot water what temprature would the water be? :confused:
:lol: :lol:
Joe Kinear Appointed Newcastle Manager :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE PLAYING AT
Dear Mt Khunt there is a girl in the local boozer who i think keeps eyeing me up but we're good friends and i'm unsure on making a move incase i...
Does someone pay you to be a bellend or do you naturaly just do it for free? :confused:
:lol: :lol: nuff said about this thread......hand bags at 10 paces
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