Can't remember the last time I was looking forward to Shindig as much as the Zabiela night... it would have been about 9 months ago I reckon....
Never seen either of them, should both be good nights.
Freak @ the Cooperage Looks like thay have some pretty damn good guests coming up in the couple of months: 04/02/03 - Utah Saints - Launch...
Not sure, I'm an umemployed bum again now so I ain't got much money... have to see. I thought that Eminem remix was steaming dump.
Yeah... theres quite a difference.
I'm sure it is, I read something about it in another thread about 5 minutes ago. Good luck lads!
Aye, I was I bit pissed when I put that on... pop = drink.... thought I was funny at the time.
Spot on! Aye, I had a quality night all round... Resistance was quality, cheers Ross and SelectaJay, (I'll put a proper post up soon about it)...
Were you Allie. :lol: :lol: Bring some down to Resistance the Saturday before, Marty V's on so I would have expected you anyway.
That picture makes me feel sick.
Tab Clear.... that was myabe longer though.
Don't hink I've never seen a bad film with Johnny Depp in, a mate tells me there is one though.. something about a book, can't remember what its...
Couple of my mates have Telewest I think... not sure of the details though.
I was pretty impressed on Monday... twas maybe because I was so pissed but i thought the Trophy Twins were damn good for what the night is. I...
Thats the crack... he gave me a cdr to pass on to Allie. I'm as suprised... I only gave it to Allie a couple of weeks ago and only listened to...
Well... I would have thought it would go without saying but I'll have one. You still got my address?
Last night was one of the best nights I'd had at Shindig for a long, long time. Definitely wouldn't go as far as Allie, there were a couple of...
Not heard much newer stuff by them but the older stuff I've got is class: Yunus - Kaiser + IP true & another on Fire Recordings. Remy...shit,...
Liverpool! We can't win the league so fingers crossed for the cup!
Going by the way its working out at the moment there'll be 7 dj's so 7 hours so 4am.
Separate names with a comma.