o stop being so over the top u moron!. for a start i wasnt willing to pay £17 for the birthday coz i didnt like the line up.....if i had i woulda payed, its a special event AND was open til 6... £13 for pretty much a normal nite is too much AND they put the price of drinks up!
Is Mr Smart E bein a little over-powering again is he? Calm down Joe, you do tend to go just a little OTT now and again!!!!
u said it! people aint allowed a frikkin opinion on this board without mr smartE pants stickin his oar in!
Tell me how this is me being power mad, arse licking or any of the other petty names you've called me...
im not talkin just of this instance, but pretty much anytime some1 says anythin slightly against promise there u are all defensif! n as far as name callin goes......well i suggest u re-read some of your posts!
This is what I was on about when I mentioned over-powering!!!! Sometimes I just think you take things a little too far.....theres having a laugh and then theres taking the piss!!!!
I don't take kindly to being called an arse licker... If someone says something against promise, I'll go on the defensive if I think its an unjust put down.. but if I think its just I'll agree with them, I've agreed with a lot of sloppy's anti-promise comments... but I'm allowed to state my opinion if I disagree... its not fucking arse licking - its putting my point across... If you don't like my posts don't fucking read them.. my first post on this thread was not offensive, arse licky or anything... you bitched at me for no reason.
Eeesh...is the messy one & smart boy having a proper tiff!!?? Come on...kiss & make up...we all know joe's an obnoxious jew boy!
The wheres magpie post wasn't serious I'd be the biggest hypocrit walking if I was... you've taken that to heart and been moody ever since, I appoligise for call you a thick bitch - it was uncalled for.. In the wheres magpie thread I obviously touched a nerve - as I bitch with everyone I didn't think someone would take me calling them a "geek" so seriously.. if that really did offend you so much... sorry... but you really do need to calm down your acting likea little kid - you've been bitchy with me since...
auw there there little boy! wots good enuff for u is good enuff for me! if u cant take it thats your problem! the whole post started out in jest...pretty much like your name callin on the magpie post! u take wot people say to heart too much! u wanna calm down b4 u get all stressed n need time off....wot would we do then wif no moderator eh?
Maybe I can't take it... just with you being funny with me lately I thought you were being serious and just finding another reason to have a go at me.
yes but this post wasnt serious joe! wen i have i seen u to be moody wif ya? tsk! obviously i touched a nerve too sayin u were arse lickin! jeez!
I said hi to you in promise and you blanked me, that magpie thread you took to heart and every post since then where 0you've replied to me has been an insult.
this has been the 1st 1! n yes its been insulting! every post we ever put up to each other has been! y change the habbit of a life time? lol! n when did i see u? i went lookin 4 u thro the nite n couldnt find u! apparently u were pissed! lite w8!
The funniest thing about this is that people weren't really complaining about the price, just the fact that it wasn't advertised that it was going to be more expensive!!!! I think!!!
I tapped you on the shoulder said hi slag (or something to that effect) you looked at me then just turned around and went back to talkin with whom ever you was talking too.