Gotta say pike fora big bloke, you've got no balls... if ur going to be an ignorant racist fuck @ leats have the balls to stand by your ignorant statements broony/lee/sasha - get bent....
whats gone on here? has the fish that is techno ever said anythin racist in his posts or have some just assumed he was bein racist (joe,rob)?
I'm not assuming anything, I'm also not accusing Pike of being racist. There is a big diffrerence IMO between being racist and saying something that sounds racist, I just think what Pike said sounded racist.
he sounded like he was being 'jokey' in order to dig himself out of a hole....i thought that his posts after the first one made him sound as if he knew he was in the (racist) wrong.
"sounded like he was being racist" is assumption. he neva actually said anythin racist. i didn't personally think the guy looked that wrecked however i didn't assume that teknofish was therefore being racist either.