If you showed that comment and that photo to 100 random people I bet way over 50% would say he was talking about people blowing up planes/flying them into buildings. It's not about what you know for certain, it's about what you can know beyond a reasonable doubt. I'm not saying he is or was being racist, I'm sure he was just joking and intending to give an ambiguous statement to wind people up but to say that the statement didn't sound racist is simply daft. I think Pike would agree with that, off the record?
i think u'll find thats why people shouldn't assume. 2 phrases i stick by (especially bein in sales); 1. don't assume, it makes an ass out of u and me 2. assumption is the mutha of all fuck ups.
maybe so i'm just sayin that u shouldn't brand someone a racist on how u personally took his statement. i love debates me
Is it not........... Si also thought you meant Pike, didnt realise the pub landlord was a board member
personally i didnt take it as pike being racist either! im not saying im on anyones side or anything like that, and please dont brand me a racist for sticking up for him, but i just assumed he meant because he looks wrecked, i didnt even notice the blokes religion/colour when i looked at the pic. i think it was more rob and kyle who turned this into a racist convo, pike never even mention the lads colour or religion, rob and kyle brought that up....why did what pike said HAVE to be a racist comment?
Why did he mention planes then Kerry? Why not say on a bus or sat next to me at the cinema or in a club or etc etc? Why didn't he say sat next to me? This is the best blag ever Pike, you made that comment and now people and defending your good name! Pike = People who are defending him when he was so obviously taking the piss/making a joke = :bonkers:
well the way i looked at it was, the lad was in amsterdam, he'd be getting a flight back, i took it as pike saying he wouldnt like to be on his flight home, coz he was wrecked. its all relevant to the thread that was made to start with!