to be honest though, i didnt even take pikes comments to be racist until you commented about the lads colour, surely that puts you somewhere on the same level as pike? i know your anti racism and all for pc, but i think insinuating or implying that someone has made a racist comment, when really they have said nothing about race, and nothing that in my eyes sounds racist, doesnt that make you just as bad?
Would be a tad disingenuous for Pike to innocently claim now that his initial comment was purely in response to the ----- state of the guy rather than his ethnic background, given the fact that he openly supports the BNP
How is ok for pike to be racist... but other members get barred? Yes he never said this man will blow up your plane, but he implied it.... Anyone who knows pike know he holds strong racial prejudices'.... Just goes to show its who you know
he implied it? u mean thats the way u took it? its like someone using a double entendre such as "my pants are buldging" (meaning pockets) and sum1 else accuses them of having a dfirty mind. who's got the dirty mind? the person that said it or the person who thought it was dirty?
I never accept that argument, all it shows is that person is considering all possible meanings of the words used and then deciding which is most likely based on their knowledge of that person's behaviour.
Hang on though, he didn't actually make a racist comment, he only implied it. I'm getting it from both sides here.
regardless of who posted it, i would have took it the same way; as a non-racist comment. if i had posted a pic of one of my white mates wrecked on holiday, and pike had made the same comment, i would not have thought he was being racist then either, but i can see where you are both coming from, i just think that the comment pike made is only a racist comment if YOU take it that way, it could have been said in total innocence, or to be racist, but to me that wasnt a racist comment.
so because pike says "I wouldn't like that man to fly my plane" after a picture of someone who looks arabic is posted.... I am racist?!!?!? WHAT THE FUCK! We all know pike is racist, he's made comments like "I'm glad there aren't many blacks in newcastle".... Its just we accept it cos he's pike, cos when he aint being a fascist he's a funny guy
thats not what i meant. what i meant was that he may not have meant it in a racist way, but because of the way ur mind works thats the way u took it. regardless of comments pike has made in the past, u would still have taken that way.