there was a few sikh kids in my english evening classes in India. They were always getting bullied. The other kids managed to gather up enough english to tell me that they were pig eaters lol. But the sikhs were my little teachers pets....used to stay behind and collect in all my pens and walk to to the outskirts of the slums. I used to feel like arguing about daft comments on here but they are that ridiculous these days they make me laugh rather than get pissed off....I'm glad to be leaving this country to go and live in my nice peaceful corner of america
people take the piss out of englishmen scotsmen irishmen the french germans pakistanis everyone, its not racism its just good humour with no intent ffs.:groovy:
Its racism when it is offensive... there is a fine line and you stepped over it imo. If it was meant as a joke fair enough... you still wanna watch chubby brown?
gotta say thats the way i look at it like, and i haven't got a racist bone in my body. its like this pc shit. got way out of hand imho. i was gobsmacked a couple of years ago when i heard that teachers were no longer allowed to use the term blackboard in case it was taken racially! WHAT?! its a board, its black, blackboard is not meant racially. what if u said i've just got a new black car? FFS!