attitude problems

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by chip butty, Jul 20, 2003.

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  1. sonic


    Jul 18, 2003
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    south shields
    employee not a door man! even if it was a doorman i dont think they would have used the term (f**k off)???? do you?
    As for proven this im sure there was more then just me that seen it and i think a previous post already suggests this. The reason why the notices have been mentioned so many times is that, if there is nothing there telling you that you can not do it then the public are not going to know are they? If this is the case put barriers up seperating the dance floor from the d.j box, its quite hard to stop people going near it when its actually situated on the dance floor! P.S i have seen many people get photos one way or the other without being told to get down (weather in a bad way or a good way) so why only on this occasion.

    oh another thing, you say un-reasonable force! while on somebody's shoulders do u think its right to fling your arms at them ? surly this causes the person to try to avoid being hit and move away from it? would this not put them in more danger of falling of the persons shoulders? (would be more pollite and professional to say "can u please get down!) the othe thing someone has mentioned is that all photo's should be taken after the d.j has performed! does this mean its ok to do this then but not while he's performing? case of double standards i think? maybe all these post should be stopped before things get out of hand. It is only making waves between the people that go to promise and quality and thats no good for the club at all is it.
  2. smallerthanyoda

    smallerthanyoda Registered User

    Jan 22, 2003
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    well ya must not have met alot of DJs then because ive met a thew and ones ive met are nothing like mark maitland.

    I would not say that mark and richard tulip for a example have similar attitudes to the crowd.
    :lol: :lol: :lol:
  3. confuzzled

    confuzzled Registered User

    Jan 17, 2002
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    in love with annie
    ok, have you seen mark's contract.. no you havn't, so you do not know what his job description is. however you should also be able to understand that as an employee, mark would owe a duty of care to the customers, and as such performing a reasonable action to prevent a customer from endangering themselves further would actually be in 'the course of his employment'.

    are we clear so far? we have established it is any employees duty to look out for the safety of customers. there is no legal duty that requires an employee to be polite while carrying out such actions, this is just bad business. ;)

    right.... i can see we are going to have to start simple for you. do you think the average man on the street would consider sitting on top of another mans shoulders and trying to reach over a railing a reasonable and safe act to participate in?

    if your answer is no, then what is your justification for a sign? a court would simply decide that a reasonable man would not engage in such activities as it would be so obvious of the dangers involved (especially in an enviroment which was likely to hold intoxicated persons)

    only sense you have talked all day.

    un-reasonable force is in the eye of the beholder mate! it could quite easily be construed that mark was simply waiving his arms in an attempt to put the person off repeatedly attempting a dangerous action. with the given situation there is bound to be numerous material witnesses on either side, and unfortunately for you the punters without police statements none of your evidence would be admissable to court.

    not great pr for the club i agree, but i think u should seriously consider what you are going on about next time u suggest legal action could be taken, there are enough people clogging up the system with petty complaints. yours was no more than a veiled threat as you obviously have some grief with mark. sort it out.

    disclaimer: i do not know, nor have i ever met mark!
  4. Lulu

    Lulu Registered User

    Nov 7, 2002
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    Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm sounds all to familiar!!! I know nothing of Mark except his musical ability so i'm not gonna pass judgement on his personality.

    Mr.Halliwell changed when he became bigger, he's never been a prick but his musical performance went out of the window a long time ago! He used to be a future legend but now he's just Eddie Halliwell!
  5. sonic


    Jul 18, 2003
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    south shields
    ;) :D :D :D

    hahaha petty complaint you should know better!

    P.S If a memebr of the public spills a drink, and someone slips on it who do think is responsable for it?

    If someone falls from another persons shoulders and has not been warned in any form who do you think is held responsable?

    this is all besides the point, its not a legal battle just a discussion about something...
  6. confuzzled

    confuzzled Registered User

    Jan 17, 2002
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    in love with annie
    go talk to claims direct then, i think they deal with this drivel. :p

    the person repsonsible for the property, i.e. the landlord or the council if it is public property. that isn't opinion, it is fact... have you studied land law yet? :D however unless you could prove they had no contingency or a contingency that was not of sufficient standard, there would be no claim. i.e. supermarkets would only be liable if there sfatey procedure for spilt items hadn't been followed correctly ala tescos a few years ago.

    not quite sure, what you mean by warned? however i think blame clearly lies with the person who is on the shoulders, and the person doing the carrying. if they were to fall and injure either

    a.) themselves
    b.) another party

    i know it is a discussion, i'm just trying to provide you with some facts. :D
  7. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    lol@chris ripping this poor girl/boy apart :D

    Sonic you've lost me are you saying every club should have signs up saying "No shoulder carries"?
  8. confuzzled

    confuzzled Registered User

    Jan 17, 2002
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    in love with annie
    its all good practice mate, i've got barrister exams to think about next year! ;)
  9. Guest

    this is like a fuckin school playground!!!

    miss miss mark wouldnt speak to me when i said hi to him!!!!

    tell him miss!!!
  10. Cookee

    Cookee Registered User

    Jul 13, 2003
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    Dont make me laugh at u!! Im not well:lol: :lol: :lol: ;)

    Again, a matter of opinion, and ours will have to difer on that one.:D
  11. iamian

    iamian Registered User

    Dec 26, 2002
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    Auckland, NZ
    so using your logic if some1 walks infront of a train cos they had not been warned about it they could hold the train company responsible?

    not a law stoodent or anything, but it jus seems like common sense that you should know if somethin you are doing is dangerous or not, you should have to be warned about not doing it...

    and people say that our society is becoming more like america's

    i'll give you some tips if you need this kind of info...

    fire is hot...
    knives are sharp and can hurt people...
    jumping from a large height will hurt...
    throwing rocks at your head will hurt...

    tell us if theres anything else your not sure about...
  12. TheSpence

    TheSpence Registered User

    Oct 16, 2002
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    wouldnt go around in Burton shirts!:D
  13. Guest

    I hate the fucking twats who get on each others shoulders!!! i bet you were wearing a sherman nd holding some propa waxa glowsticks.:cyber:
  14. Jimmy

    Jimmy Registered User

    Dec 23, 2002
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    Maitland is a sound lad, he deserves to be where he is at the moment!!!
  15. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    Never understood the whole "harass the dj" thing - When i see people at promise standing on 10 peoples shoulders and using a step ladder so they can touch Judge Jules hand, I feel EMBARRASED for the poor DJ.

    Granted they deserve some adulation - but keep it to some claps and a cheer .... I would say there isnt a DJ out there who would be an arsehole to that kind of attention.

    The problem people get with "attitude" dj's is they dont realise they are just another munter/punter (as someone just put it) - And if your a sober DJ, see'ing some goggle eyed pill monster or drunken person is going to bring out the worst in anyone not used to dealing with those kinds of people.

    As for promoters or other people talking with attitudes - Its hard not to get annoyed about it personally. But once again if you were objective about it - If you were standing in a club week in week out trying to make a living and you have completely wasted people coming up to you all the time talking all sorts of bullshit, then after a while you wont be able to separate the good eggs from the bad.... and thats when you see every punter as a waste of space.

    Bottom line - let the DJ's do their job and give them a clap for it - dont harass them :)

    Just my two cents.
  16. Mr. Revel

    Mr. Revel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    any fit girls can come and harrass my cock while im djing!
  17. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    someones on the ball :D
  18. kid

    kid Registered User

    Nov 13, 2001
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    Inside My Minds Mind!

    :lol: ive been behind the decks with the DJ, and had kids climbing up to shake my hand cos they thought i was something to do with the DJ :p
  19. smallerthanyoda

    smallerthanyoda Registered User

    Jan 22, 2003
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    Id rather go out wearing what i wear than what some of the ponces do at promice so what if i were bright pants and tops and use glow sticks that my choice just like its other peoples choices to go around wearing a vest on top of a t shirt (trying to b rab c nesbit like?)

    everone is entitled to wear what they want.

    I did get on my mates shoulders at YOJI for reason because i wanted banginglobe signed i gave to some one who was alowed back stage to get yoji to sign it but someone kicked upa fuss (no names mentioned) so i had get on my mates shoulders and hand it to him and he took straight away put it to one side for him ti sign when hed finished and said cheers. every dj ive wanted something signed by they have been only too willing to accept it
    espeichelly lab 4 who are class people

    if you have seen yoji autograph youll know why alot of people love it a lot thought goes in to it
  20. Guest

    Laura will be pleased

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