Saw it last night, absolutely brilliant. People were applauding certain scenes Hilarious. "Today I meet a real chocolate man" I thought a lot of it was staged but as it turns out it's not 10/10 best laugh in ages.
hahahaha that was awesome In the same way that the Departed was satisfyingly violent, in these PC days I found Borat satisfyingly controversial
this was absolutely hillarious. loved it totaly worth all the hype 'why you call the police? has the retard escape?'' was that bit with pamela anderson real, or staged?? surely he couldnt have got away with that?
I thought so - but he's done other stuff to Pamela - I presume after, like gatecrashing her dogs "wedding" and rugby tackling her. You would have thought there would have been security like a few feet from her....but he didn't half get nailed in the carpark! What about on the Subway at the start "Hey fuck you asshole you're fucking with the wrong guy man"
Just got back from pics Yeah alot of that was staged but its still the funniest most un pc film ive seen for a long time. LOVE THE RUNNING OF THE JOE BIT ps Now i meet a genuine chocolate face
I'd love to know what bits were staged! Them guys on the bus, if that wasn't staged they'll be the laughing stock of America right now! Much funnier than I thought it would be, more just because of the shock factor than anything
You'd think you were getting married, not just going to see Borat! I think the gay clothes reporter film will be better!
I have a very empty life Though I did enjoy the film, despite being deeply traumatised about seeing a fat, naked man being sat on another naked man's face
they were total losers like, they deserve all the shit they get imo, some of the stuff they said was horrendous. They better not win the case like