Im actually a half decent cook but when mine go away ill be living on beans on toast....and spend all the money they give me for vital comodities on really "vital commodities"
Nowt wrong with Beans on toast hun! My fav! I couldnt cook when I moved out but soon picked it up and I am pretty good at it now! Soon learn when needs must! You will too!
tuna pasta's are fookin lush!!! thats about the best I can do in terms of cooking but in my view its quite an achievment
haha good lad.. ive been at toms 2 weeks now and have only cooked once... had cereal for tea last nite - winner!
Re: Cooking???? ur a total fuckin numpty mate! just stick some chicken and chips in the oven and hey presto, chicken and chips! theres half a kebab on ur kitchen table bud that i left last night! im sure ull scran that if its that bad!