Driving Test

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tidygirlashers, Oct 19, 2004.

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  1. trance_fan

    trance_fan Registered User

    Nov 7, 2002
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    Rubbish! How can you still say that.

    You are only saying that because you failed twice!

    What would you suggest? Letting any random drive? please.

    And it obviously does mean a hell of a lot. If you don't pass, you can't drive. ( I mean actually go out driving on the roads legally, not the ability to phsically drive) So saying it means nowt is bollocks tbh.

    You obviously were not up to the high standard that they expect, even if it is for shite stuff....but you deserved to fail, mounting a roundabout the first time wasnt it? And then in a sort of race the second time and cutting in front of someone too fast?? Unlucky :lol:

    PLUS theres the expense of more lessons and more tests.

    Not that many people pass first time like..so i'm glad I did :lol:

    Anything that you don't immediately suceed in, you deem to be useless.......

    Clamped ;)
  2. ussrpatriot

    ussrpatriot Registered User

    Oct 9, 2003
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    I didn't mean it was useless, i meant it did not act as an accurate indication of your driving proficiency, as shown by the aforementioned 2 fails by myself ( albeit 1 major 2 minors each ).

    Charlotte passed first time, and she was shit. Jeffs did too, and he was shittttttt at the time ( not saying he is now).

    As for me failing, I SKIMMED a curb the first time, on a roundabout that had JUST been put there and that I had never seen before, and that has since been changed because of the very same happening since. I was better than you at that time to be honest - I was considerably more experienced than you, as you freely admitted at the time.

    The second failure was because I overtook someone who didn't want to be overtaken by a learner, forcing me to go about 75 in order to do so ( alternative being missing a turning I had been told to leave at and auto failing ).

    Yes, given, it does test your ability to jump through their hoops in a very stylised manner - I don't beleive it has a high degree of correlation with roadworthiness; athough I do concede that it is effective at routing out unprepared candidates, I feel it is WAY too harsh on experienced drivers who have developed their own style of driving that varies very slightly from test parameters
    (the turn in the road observations....please).

    My mother would massively fail a test today, but you know how safe she is.

    I would like to see a test based more on the subjective evaluation of the examiner, and conducted over a longer period, with less strict regulation over what constitutes a pass or a fail. Skimming a curb (not even mounting, i literally mean brishing with a wheel) is NOT a valid reason to keep an otherwise competent driver off the road.

    Chris, name me something else I have failed in and deemed useless for that reason?

    And besides all the above, I was not attempting to debate the subject, merely to offer some consolation to someone who failed their test - I know I was mightily fucked off. Got pissed to compensate :E

  3. Luke

    Luke Registered User

    Feb 2, 2004
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    In the studio
    unlucky, get another one put in for!
  4. loopyloosy

    loopyloosy Registered User

    Feb 19, 2002
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    location, location.
    havent heard that one in a while.........takes me back..............to when i was a charva

    hehe clamped ya geet propa pure mug. did yer feel ladged how?
  5. trance_fan

    trance_fan Registered User

    Nov 7, 2002
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    :lol: :lol:
  6. trance_fan

    trance_fan Registered User

    Nov 7, 2002
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    Some good points I guess.....:p

    I had had alot of experience, but I choose not to do what you did ;) (You know what I mean, and will say nowt as the P.C Crew will come down on you like a tonne of bricks :lol: )Wouldnt really say u were necessarily better as such though? I had a pink licence ;)

    Indeed skimming a kerb is a joke like, some of the shit they expect is totally false.

    By the way, had you have missed that junction in favour of safety, you wouldn't fail. I took a wrong exit on a roundabout on my test and he said it was find and not to worry, didnt even get a minor for it...you deffo don't fail for that! If you do it loads it would be different like.

    It's even scricter now :lol:

    Who drives IRL like they do in a test?? Nobody TBH. IMO etc. lol :lol:

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