12, I was up at 7.50am ya bastard:evil: yeah I have a few like, I hope the blood comes out of my pants
the worst part about hangovers is when the beer monkey attacks he is a mystical character that,, without you seeing him he steels all your money, shakes your head about then takes a shit in your mouth!!!! you wake up and he is gone, and you feel like poo!!!
Re: Hangovers That will be the DRINK MONKEY ........He messes your hair (not in your case ) steals all your money and shits in ya mouth!!!!! What a little twat eh?
Re: Re: Hangovers hahahahah thats class!!! so true as well!!! what a little shit he is ey?!!?!? am gonna trick him next time!!!! pretend am asleep and then grab little fukkah by the neck and take him thru for my mate in hartlepool to HANG!!! muahahahahaha
i'm dead dead lucky in dont reeli get hangovers that much i just usually get tired cos ov not having much sleep the nite b4, plus im usually still drunk the next morning so by the time i've sobered up its dinnertime n i usually feel okay by then!! used to find that a pint n a greggs sausage roll sorts me out or alternatively a nice cup of tea n a slice of toast wiv butter!! but havin a fag when u've woken up knocks ya rite out again n makes ya bad well it duz to me anyways, i'll be fine until i hav a fag n it'll make me feel like pure death its awful!! xxx