HOW much for the Olympics?!?!

Discussion in 'News & Current Affairs' started by ManofScience, Mar 15, 2007.

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  1. scruf

    scruf Registered User

    Oct 2, 2002
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    Islington, London
    'so what' practically every large scale engineering project / war or other major political decision requiring mass state spending in history has run massively overbudget.. it's the way the world works...

    Why aren't you pointing your finger at the chirade of a war in Iraq instead of the Olympics, far more detrimental in every way imaginable?

    Barcelona is a fine example of what the Olympics can do, complete regeneration of the city, the only difference being that they had a strong socialist administration in place (I'm no socialist but it's a factor I believe to be highly conducive to staging such events) and a cohesive political agenda for change post Franco.. we have Ken and a negative national sentiment of NIMBY.. or '(I want a better standard of living and services but..) not out of my pocket'...

    add 2.4 Billion to the cost of new roads that are going overbudget...

    Where is the tube extension that's going overbudget? I wish.
  2. scruf

    scruf Registered User

    Oct 2, 2002
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    Islington, London
    All of which money is being thrown at as we speak...
  3. scruf

    scruf Registered User

    Oct 2, 2002
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    Islington, London
    the millenium commision... part lottery / part council tax I think..

    Gateshead Council are shit hot mind..
  4. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    i was reading about the new 1 mile extention bit under the thames - plus the possible 'cross track' or what ever it's called - that new proposed rail link for west/east london
  5. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    Is it hell.

    The roads are crumbling, the railways are in the worst state they have ever been in .... and building a nice bridge in a northern town isnt my idea of investment.
  6. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    trains are terrible. the network is terrible, costs are stupidly high - and they want people to use it?
  7. Phil Mitchell

    Phil Mitchell check me a dollar brer?

    May 19, 2005
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    How much money has been spent on rail over the last 10 years and people still moan about it!

    One of the main things that pisses me off about this country is people just cannot help themselves to moan. The Games is a positive things for this country, end of story.

    If Labour had said from square one that the games would have cost £10bn then would you still be moaning? I cant work out if you are moaning about the cost, moaning about the increase in cost or just trying to find something to attack Labour about?

    Can you not remember how buzzing this country was when Euro 96 was on? Personally I can't wait

    You seem to be ignorant that I am paying for the olympics as much as you are, you're paying for it so embrace it :king:

    ps I didnt vote Labour at the last election
  8. Alexander

    Alexander Registered User

    Jun 12, 2002
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    its so fucking funny, how you people actually believe what the government say, and then get pissed off when you find out you've been duped.

    The world is corrupt!!!
  9. Phil Mitchell

    Phil Mitchell check me a dollar brer?

    May 19, 2005
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    Are you mad? When was the last time you went on a train MOS?

    I get the train quite often and my train is always on time, always clean, alway comfortable and if booked at the right time, doesnt cost me that much.
  10. Phil Mitchell

    Phil Mitchell check me a dollar brer?

    May 19, 2005
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    sick :king:
  11. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    i think it's going to be great :up: i'm even going to travel down from the safety of the north, with the family, and see some of it! - and i'm the least olympic person i know!! it's a once in a lifetime experience and the buzz will be phenomenal!

    the point I was making, 1 year in, and it's 4 times the budget. who works this shit out? THEY'RE running the country and they can't even vaguely get figures right?
  12. scruf

    scruf Registered User

    Oct 2, 2002
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    Islington, London
    There's no extension work going on.. The East London Line is becoming the Overground and being taken back into the GLA control..

    Cross Rail is a symptom of dimwittedness in the past when the Victorian aristocracy restricted railway lines crossing London as they would be destroying the historic environment and amenity.. hence the ring of stations around the outside of London..

    The tube is a fuck up similarly (voted best underground system in the world yesterday!) for histrical reasons - the different railway comapnies competing against each other and operating in the cheapest possible way instead of having a strategic vision, which is the same all over the country..
  13. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    do metro's count? i was on 1 of them just the other week. it smelt like a phonebox and there was these working class yobs on talking loudly. not for me thank you.
  14. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    best underground system in the world - oh my god.

    its the worst fucking thing ive ever had the misfortune to use in my entire life.

    3 quid for a single zone journey - i cant believe how badly we are ripped off these days.
  15. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    nar, they're defo building a new tunnel under the thames at the moment. it was on bbc2 2 nights ago. honest.

    and i can't blame the aging tube line - it's over 100 years old not designed for modern day
  16. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    Euro 96 was held in existing stadiums wasnt it? .... and didnt end up hitting everyone in the pocket.

    10 billion quid is alot of money. ALOT OF MONEY.
  17. scruf

    scruf Registered User

    Oct 2, 2002
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    Islington, London
    No the roads are not 'crumbling'. (source please?)

    No railways are no in 'the worst state they have ever been in' - do you remember British Rail? Demand has risen, therefore so have prices to accomodate increased demand (not enough in many cases) and upkeep one of the safest railway networks in the world. (source please?)

    What is your solution Brid?

    I say make the finacial services industry pay for CrossRail after all it's their workers that are expected to increase demand by bringing 700,000 more people into London and creating the extra demand. 10 averagely paid investment bankers annual bonuses could pay for a new hospital, go after them?
  18. andy_rocks

    andy_rocks Registered User

    Dec 2, 2003
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    Is it not about providing the impetus for private investment though? I thought that was the whole point of the culture drive in Toon/Gateshead, and certainly the quayside is looking as good as it ever has. The olympics would be someting similar but on a larger scale, driving the regeneration.

    Also, the games should partly recoup their costs to the country from tourism and subsequent investment, in a way that could never be said of the Iraq war - that could've been spent on a high speed rail link from london to edinburgh or something useful like that.
  19. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    SOURCE : Brid
    WHERE : The M25 and M3

    Ever do much driving scruf? How about looking at sizeable sections of the M25 that are literally falling to pieces ... and the intersection with the M3 is so bad you literally have to change lanes so you dont drive over the bits that could ruin your tyres or put you in a 10 car pile up.

    Prescott said they werent going to build more roads, .... i didnt really expect that to extend to not fixing the existing ones either.

    Other similar, or poorer countries have got a better road system that we have right now. From what youve said on here, it sounds like you pretty much exclusively use public transport by and large - for the many millions who dont, its a different story.
  20. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    My solution - sensible, realistic policies that dont ultimately end in more and more taxes on decent working people to foot the bill for 'investment' in lame duck projects.

    The country needs more and better roads, and houses for its people to live in (wheres the social housing?) .... moreso than it needs a months fun and games centred around .... (yes, once again) ... LONDON.

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