I work as Adminstrator in the NVQ dept of ASSA. The ppl are really nice and the money's quite gud. Still hate getting outa bed on a morn!!! :evil: Would be much better if I got paid for sleeping! Id make fooking loads! Thinking of going back to college/uni, part time tho, since I only hav GCSE's & A levels. Or maybe's Open Uni cos Id still need to keep the money flowing going to work.
I looked at going to that uni when I was in college, is it decent??? Certainly not to do Politics tho :spangled:
supervisor in a sports shop handing my notice in soon so i can head out to ibiza n i cant wait to get the hell outta there
Ive seriously thought bout going like, but Id have to keep working cos got things to pay for. Dunno if I could be arsed to do both at once. At least I could get a career rather than just a job. *sighs* Oh to be a tax dodger again!!
both of the uni's in leeds are good... i mebbes doing my post grad there... if i don't fail an you get to live in headingley... they have a starbucks, a subway (an loads of other mint sandwich shops) an its like muff central down there why the fuck did i go to boro again? :spangled:
it is everyones a lot more up for it in leeds than up here too... anyone live in manc? thats where im thinkin about movin to next... whats it like?
i miss sitting in a coffee shop/cafe an watching the world (fit girlies) go by... its the best hangover activity ever...
I was using that as an example to highlight the type of people on my course Sasha. I thought you wanted your labret pierced as it looked 'cool'?