do it next year? its never too late an a lot of people in uni don't go straight from school/college... ask any1 who went away to uni an they'll say its benn one of the best things they've ever done... an you get used to having no money! i've had to let my room go in the house i was supposed to be getting down there next year, cos i don't know for deff that i'll be going there
I couldnt really tho. I have too much to pay for. Altho it would be in a better situation nxt yr. I would hav to sit and think what I want to do with my life tho, what I would study :spangled:
think about what ur gonna do... not hard... theres plenty of courses... pay off whatever you need and do it! a lot of people go when they're our age so its not like ur gonna be forced to make friends with a bunch of neurotic 18 year old girls... not that thats a bad thing tho... this is the best time to do it! get away from newcastle if u can tho...
Uni is a great experience... I have enjoyed almost all of it. I'm far enough away from home to be independant but close enough to go back when I want... it is wearing a bit thin now because I have far too much work and the north-east is kinda isolated... but looking back there isn't much I would change and I would recommend uni to anyone!
Think I probs will do it. Im gona look into it. Depends on how the nxt few mths go really. Thanks u guys!!!!!!!!!!!!
sankeys.. really good club + mint atmosphere! cant get much worse than newcastle for shoppin+ stuff... bar shitty little towns like barnsley... "but we've got high bridge!" lol... mint think its deffo gonna happen.. my mates got a flat in salford quays so were gonna start there work for a few years then fuck off round the world an "live the dream" and probs end up workin in a bordella in mexico
You could look into working still but going to Uni part time like on a night then you get the benifit of both worlds by being able to pay of debt or have enough money to live on and still do what you want at Uni. I left my job at Northern Rock and went to Uni and it killed me as I was so used to having a good wage! How I missed the money! So I left and I work full time now and still go to Uni! Just an idea u cud look into if u wanted???
Given my time again in the current day and age... i wouldnt have been able to go to university, and thats coming from an average family and going to a good school and being in the top percentage in terms of education etc... Your better off earning a trade / getting a part time job and reading books at home if you want to live the student life and get another job at the end of it - its all about education for the rich these days ... bah (yes i support students)
or jus don't work and live like student filth like the rest of us... its quite fun really except today i have to go home an get all my old records to sell so i can afford to eat this term
See, I cant do that cos I hav my car to pay for, and selling it wont cover what I owe. I doubt itll be this yr anyway (so get out of ur huff Miller! ) cos I hav other plans
My mam hates my car and has always wanted me to get rid of it, she wont help me at all. Ill get there, jus hav to stop spending all my money on going out and tunes (and the car )
Im a full time student, doing a BA(hons) with QTS in primary education...nd i love it!!! work part time in superdrug and a bar, down here at uni also...fucking hate superdrug, biggest pile of shite ever! lol xx
I used to love working in a bar, even if I was underage :tut: Was so much fun and I met loads a ppl. The bar's totally changed now like, wouldnt work there now, but wud certainly work somewhere nice if I had to