Media bias

Discussion in 'News & Current Affairs' started by Yosef Ha'Kohain, Aug 1, 2006.

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  1. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    I was getting ready to launch a 9 paragraph response - until I read your closer :D
  2. andy_rocks

    andy_rocks Registered User

    Dec 2, 2003
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    It's exactly this attitude that leads to Arab resentment and international isolation.

    Lets have a look at what else they've 'achieved':

    - 'Precision' strikes have killed more civilians than militants
    - Support rallied around the Arab world for Hezbollah
    - International condemnation for use of excessive force
    - Destruction of civilian infrastructure, preventing civilians from fleeing, and preventing the Leabnese government from gaining the funds they need to disarm Hezbollah through tourism
    - Deaths of 80-odd Israelis.
    - Waste of hundreds of millions of dollars

    And now, perhaps, what they've not achieved:

    - Any sign of the kidnapped soliders
    - Any sign of the Hezbollah leadership
    - Any reduction of Hezbollahs ability to fire hundreds of rockets into Israel each day.

    Success? I beg to differ.....

    Hezbollah has agreed to stop rocket attacks if Israel ceases its offensive. The time is right for Israel to suspend its military attacks, and provide the Lebanese government with the means to disarm Hezbollah long term, and the international community to maintain a buffer zone in the mean time.
  3. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    Shabbat shalom,

    First of all Andy if you’re going to make authoritive claims on the civilian:militant ratio, I request that you cite your sources so that the discourse can remain in the factual dimension.

    Hizbullah have been stock piling thousands of ballistic missiles since Israel and Lebanon established peace, their militants have undergone extensive military training (courtesy of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard), a complex offensive subterranean military infrastructure was created from which Hizbullah could slaughter Israeli civilians, and years of planning were devoted to formation of a brutal and unprovoked offensive on Israeli soil.

    I’d like for you to educate me on how Israel:

    Has created the death of Israeli citizens – Israel is defending itself from an invading aggressor
    Prevented the Lebanese government from disarming Hizbullah – the same government that was unable/unwilling to disarm them in 6 years

    What are you proposing as an alternative?

    Andy lets review the history AGAIN:
    - Israel were at peace with Lebanon
    - Israel pulled out of the Lebanon
    - Lebanon are told they must disarm Hizbullah
    - Hizbullah are not only permitted to remain active they were given powerful government positions
    - Hizbullah prepared themselves for war with Israel
    - Hizbullah stock pile masses of weapons
    - Hizbullah train their militants to an incredible standard
    - Hizbullah create an offensive Israeli assult machine (which insuldes bunkers, missle launch pads, tunnels, weapons, militants, propagandists, etc)
    - Hizbullah invade Israel

    Yet you’re not of the mind that Hizbullah should disarm, instead you believe that Israel should stop defending itself in the hope that Hizbullah will stop their offensive?

    What have you been smoking.

    Hizbullah had no reason to attack Israel; they waited until they were at a powerful enough to position to inflict damaging blows upon Israel, then they struck, if Israel were to lay down their arms now – what is there to prevent Hizbullah from repeating history?

    The other thing that astonishes me is that you think the death 300 Hizbullah militants is unsuccessful… anti-Zionism offends me but terrorist sympathy is disgusting.
  4. Smog

    Smog Registered User

    Nov 21, 2003
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    am i the only person who actually agrees with joe here? i've always been pro-israel but i cant see how hizbullah can be defended... israel have the right to defend themselves, there are countless other conflicts around the globe that go largely ignored with higher civilian death tolls yet israel get almost unanimously criticised for defending themselves from a dangerous, passionate and organised enemy who are gaining more international sympathy for their cause when in reality they are nothing but fundamentalist terrorists. :spangled:
  5. Lee

    Lee original gowans artwork

    Jan 7, 2005
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    nah smog, im all for the invasion, so long as its hizbullah that are getting creamed and not innocent lebanse
  6. Smog

    Smog Registered User

    Nov 21, 2003
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    sounds about right to me... of course civilians will unfortunately get caught up but israel seem to be in a real lose-lose situation.
  7. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    To quote Golda Meir

    We will have peace with the Arabs when they will love their children more than they hate us.

    This rings so true for Hizbullah - they launched an unprovoked attack on Israel at the expence of the Lebanese civilians.
  8. Smog

    Smog Registered User

    Nov 21, 2003
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    seems about right, it has much to do with the mentality of some muslims in the region.

    its tragic to say the least.

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