Oh my! After a hefty night at some place I can't quite remember, a few people were still at my flat the next day when my flatmate came home. We (being very fucked) had sometime during the evening decided to put my t-shirt, like the one in your post, on my friend's head (he was male and a lot larger than myself) and when my flatmate came home and saw us all still muntered in the living room the next afternoon she decided it would be funny to zip up the zip of my top over my friends head, only moments later to discover that the zip was caught on his eyelid!!! After about 10 mins of laughing we realised he wasn't joking and actually suffocating under the t-shirt trapped over his head, I had to cut him out of it and have hilarious photos of him, after cutting him lose, of the zip still caught on his eyelide!! I wish I could show you proof but the photo I took was on a non-digital camera! I do indeed have evidence tho! (Had to tell you that story, one of my funniest after parties ever!)
This photo was taken yesterday on my phone Was browsing through my pics again this morning and thought.......it would be rude not to post it. Cheers 4 sticking it up Bri! I must learn how to use me phone proper