What I dont get thou is if there is a problem why do their harm themselfs why dont they just state their is a problem? I guess the answer is some people deal with things different ways....but I know wehre your comming from the comment I made before was not a personal opinion... I will never understand as I could never do it...and have not been in a situation of that type so I aint got an opinion really as I cant get my head around it!
Why do you post like 3 times about the same thing? :spangled: That wasnt a bite btw, if it was, I would write an essay like you normally do
My mates dad found some link over the net which showed someone being exicuted in a different country - i think it was live, but am not sure on that one
Cause it might be easier for you to understand as you dont seem to the 1st time! To hard for you to write an essay is it.... End of Rach bored of ya AGAIN!!!
Yea - i'd be pretty horrified if i came across something like that.... And will you's two just kiss and make up?
It would scare someone for life if they came accross that. Oh and dont think that would happen.......NEVER being the word! (cheers Rach )
Re: Scary i watched a similar documentary, may even be the same one, on channel 4, must have been a few months ago now. the suiciders were total head cases and although like 75% of them were geeky kinda ppl, there was some right randomers who were seemingly inspired from sites like that
Hi chick......most defintely aint sexual tension!! Believe it or not I used to know her well before I came on the board Ive known her for about 2 years!! And we were well I wouldnt say mates but we chatted and got along. Seem to stop thou the minute I started seeing Marley.....so I dont know some ppl might think a clash of personalities??? Id rather not think like that. I just think i can be a bitch and so can see??