D&G red reminds me of one of my ex's... feel sick everytime i smell it cos she wears shitloads of the stuff... we've tried to be subtle but it just aint workin theres a certain shrub that smells like cat piss that reminds me of a bush we used to have at home when i was little my mum called the 'cat wee bush' .... anyways... air conditioning always reminds me of america... the 'smell' of mud reminds me of gkgg last year...
We have one of those bushes in our garden! With little pink flowery things on in the Summer. My mam calls it the "cat wee bush" too....maybe our mothers are related?
yeah thats the one! any botanists on here know what its called? thought not.. and no dobbs were not related.. how ever much you would love to be...
Black Sambuca - the first time i got pissed!!! fuck me i was all over the place... makes me wanna be sick whenever i smell it too!!! :spangled:
vodka + redbull makes me chuck.. necked far too much of it in the telegraph last year b4 digweed and ended up nearly choking on my sick when i got home.. woke up in the morning covered in sick.. all over my floor, bed, window, hand prints all over my wall and over my desk.. worst of all it was brown puke apparently i was crying for my mum i was throwing up that hard classy i cant stand the smell/taste of redbull now... unless its free
:spangled: oh man... that would have been bad!!! can't go anywhere neard sambuca now!!! errr! There's a smell that reminds me of my Ex but hav'nt a clue what it is!!!