rob you blink! could you make mine so i wink? oh i have no eyes. i have changed mine as te last one was rather scary this morning when i logged on!
I quite like mine, but there wasn't enough pink and no blonde bunches I think promise should stump up the £10,000 for the full customisable wardrobe package
hahah, mint! I didnt twig that u can change em once you've done one. That's gonna fill me morning nicely at work tomorrow BOB that is totally u!
dont need to do that man! Fizz can do it, he's a graphic designer as well as a top DJ and all round luvvly bloke, so i'm sure just ask him nice and he'll doctor to whatever. erm, u ok with that fizz mate, will u do mine un all pls?
I havnt got any programs to change mine on Have got PSP 7 with animation shop but dont know how to use it properly
same ere, if any 1 wants to give me n spooky a lesson on how to do stuff then please do (thats technical computer stuff - si!)
I'm shocked that you even thought that glitter but if you "weak women" (yeah right!) wanna lesson then just ask nice hehe. Innit!!!
I need a lesson! Either that or u could just do it for me! pretty please?! *flutters eyelashes* Just use this on an give me a pink t-shirt and blue shoes! Ooh, and some pink bits at the bottom of the trousers like mine