mine and yours look spookily similar senior chem si.... although you van't select height so mine ain't exact..
there we go.. a big pimp coat.. wikid however i have no bitches so i'm not the best pimp in the world..
yeah we do philly, find BOB's on here un all, looks like we all sharing the same body or summik here ya go spooky, wot u fink? I had to make ya puppies bit bigger to get ya full name on the t-shirt, that ok???? lol
ya welcome spooky. I've got no defence against that *flutters eyelashes* trick, works every damn time!
simon, will you doctor mine??? i need some glitter on it, n a bit more pink, n im sure my hairs a bit longer than that *kerry starts pulling at her hair* "grow u bitch grow"
*flutters eyelashes* can u please do mine si coz mine looks nothing like me and i need my white belt (of course) thanx si *BoInG*
heheh mines nuffink like me at all...im just too damm lazy to edit it! i'll do it tomorrow after work...ive made a promise to myself er....maybe anyway! id edit em for anyone who wanted them doing as well...prob is i dont know any of you so dunno wot you;s look like...so could be cannny hard!! hehehehe.
awwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!! cant be having that now!! hehehehe... pm or something with a bit of a description of wot u look like and.or wot you want it to look like...i shall see wot i can do
can some one who knows wot i look like pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeassssssseeeeeee edit my stor trooper pleeeeeeeeeeasssssssssseeeeeeeee