however much i love promise i must say gg at trees is fucking mint, always look forward to it. top notch club mint atmosphere! line ups r always top notch n all!! apart from jules nxt month of corse....
I reckon that GG @ TT and Promise are both good nights. Its really hard to say one's better than the other. GG maybe sounds better but I think Promise has the better atmosphere.
goodgreef cheesy...?!!! hardly!! aawww none of ya's that dont go every month wont understand anyways!! aaron u understand ma dear dont ya!! (know ur not online now but just for next time u r!!) and shut up about the jules thing whoever made comment..jules wasnt cheesy at promise nor is he cheesy full stop i fail to see how anyone comes to that conclusion these days i reeli do. bandwagon. jumping. give up kids
no but he mite av bin shit but he wasnt cheesy. and i did go 2 promise when he was on and i do listen to his radio show religiously and i know that hes playin a class set ov tunes at the mo despite those dodgy loops and accapellas!! hes on at promise again in july kids, dunno if everyone knows!!! and all bin well im gonna be in fookin ibiza, i luurrrrve jules when he plays at promise tho so may fly back 4 a week or so n cum n see him!! xxx
one mans stilton is another mans . . . errr i just mean some people think hes cheese, others dont tis just opinions
im not saying goodgreef is shit, cos its not... i used to go every month when it started but its not what it used to be? plus, they go along with whats in at the min a lot more... and i've never liked hard dance shan needs to play tts more as well
TBH, i see much more cheese played at Promise than at GGTT. The sound system is really good if ur in the middle of the dance floor, but due to the setup of the speakers if you arent in the sweet spot you get a lot of echo and it sounds shit. The bass spl isnt even funny. If they nock tall trees down, I am gonna be distraught - only decent night I see up here other than promise
You are kidding about not cheesey at Promise? Sure, he played a few none cheesey tunes but he was pish. And that's before you even get on to the stripey Henri Lloyd jumper he was wearing!
i prefer promise all the way tbh, only been to tall trees once its a nice club, but they use too much smoke on that bloody smoke machine, the sounds all crackly and too bassy. the layout of the place is lush tho i must say, i might enjoy it more when its busier
ive been to promise on a lot of occasions but i go to all the gg@tt and find trees to be the better night if i could dj i would be the resident im at trees that much ive seen the judge mix on plenty of occasions and find sometimes hes cheesy and others he is not, you dont really know what he will be like until he starts playing the best ive seen him was at promise last year
honestly im not taking a dig at u opr any other jules fans , and i give him the respect he deservs from where he started out etc bive enjoyed the last 4 times ive seen him play and bfore crasher last sunday said to people jules was gud at promise so give him a chance before saying he is shit or watever. playing face down ass up thats the way we like to fuck , peak time at crasher over traffic did it for me, dont tell me thats not cheese!
For once, I have to agree. It doesnt beat Promise, but the atmosphere is always great at GG Trees. The ppl are really friendly, they regularly have mint DJ's and I always have a good nite. I doont go every month, but quite regular and Ill be gutted if they scrap the club
i know exactly what you mean i love goodgreef tall trees i go to them all even if i dont like the line up just cos of the crack and everyone i know seems to go and all of the manc lot come down. Only missed 3 since last june and thats because i was in the army for 2 of them and the other i went to preston for the last nite at the uclsu for eddie n scott bond.