Taxi Drivers That Take The Piss...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Scotty, Feb 16, 2006.

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  1. Katie

    Katie Registered User

    May 8, 2003
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    Whitley Bay
    :lol: !!
  2. princess jane

    princess jane Registered User

    Jan 9, 2002
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    under my desk
    Re: Re: Taxi Drivers That Take The Piss...

    Then you get charged £50 and dropped off in Sunderland with no shoes.

    And the driver has your home address and tel number.

    Taxi drivers can be an evil bunch.

  3. loopyloosy

    loopyloosy Registered User

    Feb 19, 2002
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    location, location.
    some are complete fuckpigs

    One time I was at disco-stu's house at a party, and decided to leave at about half 2. After asking the address, I was told by various people it was "30 Something Street, Forest Hall".
    I grabbed a local taxi number and asked for a taxi for as soon as possible from 30 Something Street, Forest hall. I got an "Ah right, no problem.".

    10 past 3 rolls around, still no taxi, so I give them a call telling them I had ordered a taxi for 30 something street, when would it be here? They said "30 Something street, Killingworth?" I said, "No, 30 Something street in Forest Hall" they said, "Killingworth", I said I didnt know, as someone has just told me the address to get home, its a party you see. They said "Ah, right, sorry, will be there in 2 mins."

    When the taxi got there, I got in, and he drove me home, but as we were driving past, the taxi driver was saying things like "Thats my old school there, thats in Killingworth", and "See that shop there, thats killingworth too" "You're from jesmond are you - does that mean you are posh? Hahaha"

    I was well scared, I made him drop me off round the corner from my street, I think he thought that I said somewhere in Killy was in Forest Hall, trying to be better. The cunt - he proper scared me. :(

    Also a taxi driver drove into the side of my car on purpose and took my wingmirror off, as he slowed down to let me in then changed his mind. Nasty man.

    I would rather stay sober all night and drive myself home.
  4. Snack

    Snack Registered User

    Jul 16, 2003
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    Re: Taxi Drivers That Take The Piss...

    when u got there why didnt you say "excuse me you seem to have driven me to the wrong destination, could you now drive me to the appropriate place?"

    that would have probably been easier

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