aye this is what i thought most people thought? i wonder what they make of it in the USA if people here cant work it out - pobably just sit around in thier trailer scratching thier cellulite ridden "ass" drooling into thier lap pointing and grunting "TV, TV good good". its amazing that americans manage to make quite credible things like this especially as they seem so unaware of the shit they cause - 18,000 odd gun related deaths every year compared with our 60 something? doesnt that tell you something? silly young lads with guns going over to fight the "Eye-rakkis" who incidentally have probably killed more of thier own with "Friendly fire" than fooking eye-rakkis. /american rant off knobs
oh right, i reckon its there to protect the people that are running the show on the island, truman show style.
You don't find out a great deal in #1.. I'm up to #5 in series 2 and you find out more but there's still loads of unanswered questions.. or questions that have been answered with more questions. I'll not reveal anyhing though. Do you reckon my theory about Boon and his drugs was correct? I had to think about what scenario for a bit because it confused me and I'm still not sure about it.
Thought u used to work in a call centre so most americans are probs brighter than u. And 1 person gets shot every week on average just in nottingham! The american people are cool, as a majority
I think you hit the nail on the head with the boon drug thing, but if locke keeps making peoples decisions for them, its going to cause major trouble!
I suppose thats the result of having gun shops all over the place. I can imagine if it was legal to own guns in this country the charvers would soon bring that total up. Then us lot would double that by shooting the charvas. then we'd get caught cos we aren't used to running from the police and the police would shoot us. 'y get me.
thats exactly right. It is media generated propaganda which is the direct link to my harsh comments. Dont be fooled however, i do realise this, and find it highly amusing to act like the media slaves we all are. in post modernity we all have this vision, or imagined community if you like, and this imagined way of life for americans is, only what i imagine through the way in which the media portrays it. I cannot ever make a true judgement on Americans until I meet each one, and study thier culture for many years. This will not happen, therefore I feel it necessary to make the distinction between my comments and my knowledge. fucking trailer trash honkeys
I didn't say that did i you smart arse. i said he did it becasue he could see the attatchment boon had to his sister - Boon thought he was in love with her, but after Locke had drugged him and he'd seen her die he felt relieved. That means that he wasn't in love with her but felt responsible for her all the time and couldn't let go. Hence the relief!! You heart my feelings jambon i must clear them now.