come on, make me bite so i couldnt type if i couldnt see? and who is wind bag? i only wanna know why they think that if i work in a call centre that makes me unintelligent? *chomp*
very true. If anyone can offer me anything better than monotonous boring repetative mind numbing barely minimum wage-not even earning enough to get taxed on job, i would appreciate it. ok, working in the dark extracting poison from venemous snakes would be more fun, i know, just real jobs
wot eva but really though, i reckon that the boy is the whole key to it - they cant just leave it at that about him having some weird thing about him. I reckon locke will teach him the mighty kung fu and he will defeat all desert island polar bears. it sounds like some fuuked up gibberish but its a bit like smack - well addictive.
I think i just came up with a theory of how the plane crashed and was off course etc.. but i'll not say because a lot of people havent seen any of series 2. If i was Walt i'd be wishing i had a porn mag with me
Before Clare got to the island she was told by that psycho that her baby should be brought up by nobody other than herself, maybe Walt was no good for the others because he had some other blokey looking after him? I think the french womans child was special too, so they took it while it was still pure
That assesment isn't in line with what's currently going on though.. We'll find out soon enough i guess